Schedule : Mon to Sat 10am - 2pm / 4:30pm - 8pm

As we all know that the health of our teeth are primarily dependent on our gums, so if the gums aren’t healthy then the teeth tend to suffer.


At times delay in treatments lead to foul smelling gums, bleeding , pus drainage and shaking teeth. Periodontitis commonly known as Pyorrhoea is a common problem in the Indian population . Our Periodontology expert Dr. Shatabdi Chakraborty Saha takes special care of these patients to treat the disease before it causes major harm. From Scaling, Lasers to advanced Flap Surgery, she is well equipped and have treated thousands of patients and helped save their dentition .

Doctor Smile Clinic
We are here to help! Please call for more information on +91 89265 63307 or
Doctor Smile Clinic
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