Dental Clinic – Resolve Your Dental Issues With Laser Dentistry

Dental Clinic – Resolve Your Dental Issues With Laser Dentistry


Oral health is one of the most important parts of our body that we should take care of it. But due to some reasons, we’re unable to take care of our oral health that leads to tooth decay, gum problems, mouth sensitivity, or even oral cancer. A quick checkup with your dentist can really help with it. As per the condition, your dentist may suggest laser surgeries. 

Laser dentistry is a dental treatment process to treat different dental conditions. It is considered one of the most comfortable treatment options that involve hard or soft tissue compared to other dental equipment such as drills. To remove your dental health problem, book a consultation with your dentist in Siliguri.

Laser surgery is virtually painless and helps to remove tartar from your mouth. People having tooth decay or gum problems can avail of laser surgery. The process will start after a consultation and diagnosis. Your dentist will suggest laser treatments as per the condition of your oral health.

Early dental care can reduce the risk of tooth decay, gum problems, and other mouth infections that can cause severe pain in the mouth or the surrounding areas of the teeth. With proper check-ups and guidelines, you can improve your oral health gradually.

Laser Dentistry Categories

There are two categories involved in laser dentistry.

a) Hard-tissue laser

Hard-tissue laser is used to:

  • Detect tooth decay
  • Remove tarter and cavity
  • Dental fillings and crowns
  • Treat tooth sensitivity
  • Teeth whitening

b) Soft-tissue laser

Soft-tissue laser is used to:

  • Treat gummy smiles
  • Crown lengthening
  • Nerve regeneration
  • Treat cold sores
  • Remove benign tumors
  • Remove tissue
  • Treat sleep apnea

 How Laser Dentistry Process Really Works?

Usually, laser light is used to detect any missing problems that might not be sometimes detectable by conventional tools.

For example, lasers can help any dental issues accurately that are located beneath the surface of the gums, and also helps to detect any symptoms of oral cancer in its early stages.

Stage 1:The laser is directed at the affected area that contains more molecules compared to the rest of the tooth.

Stage 2: Water molecules are heated rapidly and pressure causes the affected area to stop.

Stage 3:The laser kills any bacteria or infection in that area so that the tooth is sterilized.

What Are The Premium Benefits Of Laser Dentistry?

Dentists choose this method for its premium features which include smooth procedures, less healing time without having any pain.

  • No stress of drills or medical tools
  • No pain and discomfort feeling
  • Reduce the risk of tooth infection
  • Less damage to surrounded tissue
  • Accurate and precise results
  • Back to daily routine very quickly

Remember; maintaining good oral health can almost reduce the risk of any oral problems. Any minor negligence can leads to bigger problems that will affect our oral health. If you currently undergo any oral issues, visit the Siliguri dental clinic and get the best treatment to recover your oral health problems.

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