Best Siliguri Dental Clinic To Treat Your Oral Cancer

Best Siliguri Dental Clinic To Treat Your Oral Cancer


Oral or mouth cancer is the most common form of head and neck cancer that develops in the tissues of the mouth or throat. This usually affects your lips, tongue, mouth roof, and floor. Most oral cancers are discovered after they’ve spread to the lymph nodes of the neck.

Early detection can help you to survive oral cancer completely. If you have any persistent signs or notice any symptoms that bother you more than two weeks, time to make an appointment to Siliguri dental clinic for the best dental assistance. To avoid your dental health problem, take active care of your mouth.

Types Of Oral Cancers

  • Lips
  • Tongue
  • Gums
  • Hard palate
  • Soft palate
  • Floor of the mouth
  • Inner lining of the cheek

It's not clear what causes the mutations in cells that lead to mouth cancer. But people aged over 40 years are typically getting affected with oral cancers.

One of the interesting facts about oral cancer according to Cleveland Clinic is that 25% of people who develop oral cancer don’t smoke or have other known risk factors.

Symptoms Of Oral Cancer

  • Mouth pain
  • Ear pain
  • Loose teeth
  • Unhealed mouth sore
  • Difficulty in chewing
  • Painful swallowing
  • A lump inside your mouth
  • A white patch inside your mouth
  • A reddish patch inside your mouth

Risk Factors Involved In Oral Cancer

  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Chewing tobacco
  • Poor nutrition
  • Genetic syndromes
  • being male
  • a weakened immune system
  • chronic facial sun exposure
  • a family history of oral cancer
  • a previous diagnosis of oral cancer

Diagnosis & Treatment

Your dentist will determine whether you've oral cancer or not by using the following tests:

  • Physical examination
  • CT Scan
  • MRI
  • Incisional biopsy
  • Scrape biopsy
  • Direct laryngoscopy and pharyngoscopy
  • Indirect laryngoscopy and pharyngoscopy

These tests not only help to determine the stages of oral cancer such as T1, T2, and T3 but also check if cancer has spread to other parts of your body or not.

After diagnosing properly, the dentist will go for the right treatment depending on your age, your general health, the kind of oral cancer that you have:


  • Glossectomy
  • Maxillectomy
  • Mandibulectomy
  • Neck dissection
  • Reconstruction
  • Primary tumor surgery
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy

Radiation therapy



Targeted therapy

After treatment of oral cancer, your healthcare provider will guide you on how to follow up on your regular activities. You also need to check up with your dentist once a year and make time to do a monthly self-examination.

If you still suffering from oral issues, make sure to visit your local dentist in Siliguri and get the best treatment to recover your oral health problems.

The dental problem including oral cancer occurs based on the common lifestyles, food habits, and pure negligence of oral health. Minor negligence often leads to bigger problems that are grown gradually inside your mouth. To make your life better, follow all the suggested instructions of your dentist.

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