Best Dental Clinic – Eliminate Bad Breath By Using Teeth Scaling

Best Dental Clinic – Eliminate Bad Breath By Using Teeth Scaling


Bad breath is a common dental issue that results due to poor dental habits, foods, and an unhealthy lifestyle. After consuming foods and drinks, if you don’t brush or wash your mouth properly or simply neglect your dental health, it results in bad breath.

By maintaining changes in lifestyles such as brushing teeth and tongue after the meal, and using dental floss it can be prevented. But consistently after maintaining this routine, if you’re bad breath persists, then it’s time to consult with your dentist in Siliguri.

As per your dental condition, your dentist might often suggest teeth scaling or bleaching which also helps to protect bad breath. Consistent bad breath is a warning sign of gum disease. That’s why brushing and flossing after eating meals are very important as it helps to protect your teeth from infectious bacteria, or any food particles in the mouth.

Teeth scaling is also known as deep cleaning. This treatment method is used to clean up your mouth healthy. Dentists use this procedure to remove all the plaque and tartar (hardened plaque) from your above and below the gum line. It is also recommended to prevent chronic gum diseases.

Teeth Scaling Procedure

Step 1 – Scaling

The primary stage is to clean the teeth above and below the gum lines and remove plaque and tartar from the mouth.

Step 2 – Root Planing

The next step is to smoothens the root surface of your tooth and heals the gums.

Step 3 – Oral Irrigation

At last, a liquid is directed below the gum line by your dentist to flush out germs and improve the health of your gums.

Benefits Of Teeth Scaling

  • Protect gum diseases
  • Promote dental healing
  • Treat infection
  • Clean your teeth
  • Remove bad breath
  • Protect the roots of your teeth

Gum disease is often known as periodontal disease. Any negligence in treatment is sometimes caused by tooth loss, weaken teeth, bone or tissue loss, etc. Research shows that gum problems mostly occur in young adults due to the following:

  • Smoking
  • Aging
  • Poor nutrition
  • Genetic history
  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Hormonal changes
  • Other medical conditions

Taking more water helps to remove bad breath. But if after maintaining healthy dental hygiene, you feel a bad odor from your breath then teeth scaling would have been a good option for you.

Dentists generally perform a complete dental procedure by using teeth scaling and root planning to prevent periodontal disease with or without anesthesia.

Remember, that your oral health is linked with other health issues that include heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. To avoid unnecessary gum problems, and other diseases visit the best dental clinic in Siliguri today.

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